Diesel Exhaust Fluid: What is it and Why is it Important?

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Diesel exhaust fluid (commonly referred to as DEF) is a relatively new liquid that was created to help preserve the health of our environment by reducing the air pollution caused from diesels. If you are a diesel owner, but do not know too much about diesel exhaust fluid, this article is for you.

Diesel Exhaust Fluid: What is it and Why is it Important?

Back in the 1970s, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) created the Clean Air Act. One of the focuses in the Clean Air Act was to reduce vehicle emissions. Because of this mandate, diesel exhaust fluid was created and has been helping to reduce diesel emissions ever since.

When diesel owners use diesel exhaust fluid, they pour the liquid into the exhaust stream. This then breaks down the harmful chemicals, but without limiting performance. Pretty cool, right? This liquid is made of 32.5% urea and 67.5% deionized water. Diesel exhaust fluid is non-toxic and relatively safe. The liquid is typically stored in stainless steel containers, and should be kept in a dry, cool, and well-ventilated location.

If you are in need of diesel exhaust fluid, check us out at Bumgarner Oil. We offer diesel exhaust fluid in 2.5-gallon jugs, 55-gallon drums, 330-gallon totes, or bulk transport loads up to 5,200 gallons. You can purchase directly at our sales locations, or, we can deliver it directly to you. Give us a call today to learn more. We would love to help you with all your diesel exhaust fluid needs.