Surprising Facts About Heating Oil Costs

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During the cold winter months, your energy bill may become more expensive depending on the main heating source you use for your home. There is also a factor of uncertainty and inconsistency when relying on a gas, wood, or a propane heating source. At Bumgarner Oil, we would like to provide you with some surprising facts you may not have known about heating oil costs:

Surprising Facts About Heating Oil Costs

  • It’s Consistent -- Heating oil can heat your home faster and longer than other heating options, making it more energy efficient and easier on your wallet. If the weather gets too cold in the winter months, gas pipes may drop in pressure, producing little to no heat. This is not an issue when you use heating oil.
  • It Uses Little Electricity -- Heating oil uses a very small amount of electricity. This allows you to keep your family toasty warm without driving up your electrical bill.
  • Buy It and Store It -- One of the major perks of understanding heating oil costs is that you can buy it whenever you want or when your budget allows and store it on your property.

Heating oil costs less than you would expect. Through its consistency, low electricity use, and storability, it may be the best option for you and your family. At Bumgarner Oil, we have been serving the public since 1954 and we can assist you with any questions or heating oil needs you may have. Call one of our team members today for a safer, warmer, and more cost-effective winter!