The Benefits of Autofill Oil Delivery

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Autofill Oil DeliveryThroughout history, people have often enjoyed having a scheduled delivery for a number of consumables. You might remember when milk was delivered to your door, or farther back when ice was delivered for the icebox. That same convenience can be found today for oil delivery with even a few more benefits thrown in.

  • Never Run Out – It can be very frustrating to find that the tank has run dry, especially because it never seems to happen at a convenient moment. Most autofill oil delivery companies can respond fairly quickly, but it is still bothersome. With autofill oil delivery, this needs never happen again. The oil company will track your tank’s oil level and deliver a new supply automatically -- before it runs out.
  • Savings – If you are not signed up for autofill oil delivery, you may forget to re-order until the last minute, when you need it refilled immediately. A rush delivery will often incur an extra service charge, especially if it is needed after business hours. Generally speaking, those on an autofill oil delivery schedule not only are unlikely to run out, but if they do, the extra charge for emergency service is generally waived.
  • Budget Billing – Many companies that offer autofill oil delivery have online accounts set up so customers can easily log into their account to receive an estimate of how much fuel is left in the tank, so they can arrange a delivery schedule that matches their budgeted amount of fuel at any given time.

Customers will often find that autofill oil delivery provides them peace of mind and the ability to keep oil costs within their budget each month. However, oil delivery companies are more than happy to provide delivery on a will-call basis, as well. This gives people the flexibility to choose which system works best for them.


For autofill oil delivery in Hickory NC, contact us at Bumgarner Oil. We have been servicing gas stations, commercial contracts, and residential homes since 1954. We’re a local oil company that you can trust!